This collection contains hymns and chorales for church services and on the themes of praise and thanksgiving in arrangements for three different instruments. The trios can be played individually or used as intros, introductions to choral and congregational singing for church services and concerts.
In addition to an unmarked original edition (in C), editions for violin, viola (with viola clef) and violoncello and for transposing parts in B flat have been published. All editions can be used together.
Minimum order quantity: 3 copies. The original edition and the various editions for instruments in B flat and strings can be combined.
Das ist eine sel’ge Stunde
Gott ist gegenwärtig (Wunderbarer König)
Hehr und heilig ist die Stätte
Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele
Alles meinem Gott zu Ehren
Danket dem Herrn
Ich lobe dich, mein Auge schauet (Wie groß ist des Allmächt’gen Güte)
Ich singe dir mit Herz und Mund
O Wunderliebe (Dies ist die Nacht, da mir erschienen)
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