Previously, the singing of the Latin texts of the Ordinary Missae with Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus-Benedictus and Agnus Dei was left exclusively to the choir and was spoken by the priest himself. The congregation had the role of listener and spectator. According to the modern understanding of the liturgy, however, the choir, soloists and musicians are just as much a part of the congregation present and are therefore placed on the same level as the congregation in the nave.
Based on this understanding of the liturgy, Alexander Därr composed SANCTUS, which on the one hand has the musical splendor of the choir, orchestra and organ, and on the other hand includes the congregation as an equal group with its singing. The hymn “Heilig, heilig, dreimal heilig” GL 734 forms the basis of this charming composition. Strings, triangle and xylophone are optional, i.e. the “Sanctus” can also be performed with a “minimal instrumentation” of choir, congregation and organ.
„…The choir, organ and strings are highly independent and each tonal element contributes its part to the appealing overall picture of the mass. Particular mention should be made here of the use of the chorale “Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr” in the form of a toccata in the Gloria and the addition of triangle and xylophone in the Sanctus. … The advantages of the greater variability with regard to individual editions should not be concealed… . A beautiful and practical work which is to be recommended“. (Kirchenmusik im Bistum Limburg 2/19)
Further sentences:
                      Kyrie                                                           Gloria                                                      Agnus Dei
For details please click on the cover.
Also arranged for choir, congregational singing and string/organ accompaniment: